Facial Treatments Voorburg
Facial Treatments
Below you will find the most common facial treatments you can have at our salon. Is the treatment you want not on the list? Please contact us. I use Neoderma products and I am a Neoderma certified beautician.
Neoderma prodcuts have a perfect skin renewing result because of the effeciency of plants and herbs. Products for home usage support Neoderma treatments. I always advise the combination that are specically for your skin type and condition. This way you will get the ultimate solution for your skin problem. In short, a facial treatment that works!
For customers with Acne I give a combined treatment of Chinese Herbal peeling (bio peeling) and the Rebalancing Treatment. The results are phenomenal. For the youthful and up until 18 years I give 25% discount on these Acne Treatments. Besides, usually these treatments often get (mostly) reimbursed by your health insurance. For more information you can go here Informatie Acne behandeling